Digital Marketing
and Social Media

We design and implement social media campaigns that are coordinated throughout multiple media and internet platforms. These comprehensive solutions generate effective and measurable customer response and action. Let us show you how we can create a social media campaign for you!

Example of one of many social media marketing campaigns executed for Baker First Commercial Real Estate. This campaign focused on commercial maintenance services for Baker's leasing clients. Components included Facebook, Instagram, and posting on Baker First website home page and blog during campaign. Social launch was also coordinated with direct mail and print advertising.

Example of one of many social campaigns executed for Stroud Safety. This campaign focused on 10% product discount during Breast Care Awareness Month. Included Constant Contact email, web ad postings (re-direct campaign in addition to ads on specific websites), Facebook, Instagram, and Stroud Safety website posting on home page during campaign.

Stroud Safety Facebook, Instagram, and website social media promotion

Social media campaign executed for Stroud Safety. The focus was on their custom fit, SFI rated motorsports fire suits. The coordinated campaign consisted of email, web ad postings (re-direct campaign in addition to ads on specific websites), Facebook, Instagram, and Stroud Safety website posting on home page during campaign. Selected print media sources and targeted press releases were also utilized.

Stroud Safety Facebook, Instagram, and website social media promotion